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Health and Safety Strikes Back – Why You Should Always Keep Every Workplace Safe
Health and Safety Strikes Back – Why You Should Always Keep Every Workplace Safe

Health and Safety Strikes Back – Why You Should Always Keep Every Workplace Safe Eagle-eyed Star Wars fans might recall back in the summer of 2014 that Harrison Ford met…

Health and Safety Outrage Strikes Again
Health and Safety Outrage Strikes Again

Health and Safety media driven news Two ‘Elf n Safety’ issues have hit the headlines again this week, sparking public outrage. Both stories have implications and lessons for other businesses…

The Cost of Delusions about Workplace Safety
The Cost of Delusions about Workplace Safety

Workplace Safety Workplaces like offices and shops ordinarily pass for safe environments while building and construction sites are considered hazardous. However, even as the high-risk jobs are given particular attention…

When Can Health And Safety Rules Be Broken?
When Can Health And Safety Rules Be Broken?

The answer is when there are no longer rules. Contrary to what some people believe, health and safety is not a fixed set of immoveable rules cast in stone and…

Health And Safety, And Party Wall Notification Laws
Health And Safety, And Party Wall Notification Laws

Safety needs to be at the very foundation of all building work, especially where the foundations of the building are concerned. Unfortunately this was where one Wolverhampton building firm went…