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CDM Advisers Fees and Services

Get an instant quote for your project using our calculator

It is hard to give exact fees on a website because whether a project is a new build, refurbishment, highways or Wind Farm etc it is not often known what is involved and no 2 schemes are ever the same, so we’ve tried our best to give some guidance on the approximate fees for the CDM Advisers role.

Simply enter your details below & an estimated fee for CDM Advisers Services will instantly arrive in your inbox.

CDM Calculator

What are the CDM Advisers fees based on?

What you will find is that Veritas Consulting CDM Adviser Services fees are amongst the most competitive in the industry and they are based on undertaking a full CDM Advisers role and a “project by project” basis taking into account the following factors;

  • the project location & complexity of the works
  • estimated duration of the proposed scheme
  • estimated construction value
  • Competence & resource assessments.
  • Health and Safety Inspections and Audits
  • Advise and assist clients on their CDM duties
  • Ensure Clients are totally protected and their duties are implemented.

Ok, I’m interested what’s my next step

Whether you have a project in mind that you definitely expect to go ‘live’ – or you simply have plans for the future we would be delighted to receive your tender, you can use the handiest of contact forms on the right or simply get in touch using our quick enquiry form.