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Site Waste Management Plan

As from the 6th April 2008 Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) became law if the project you are working on has a construction phase cost of more than £300,000 (excluding VAT).

(The Site Waste Management Plan Regulations 2008)
(Regulations SI 2008: No. 314 issued under the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005).
NO WORK SHOULD COMMENCE unless there is a Site Waste Management Plan in place.

Each project should have one SWMP, which is a live document that must be updated through the course of the project. The Plan has also to be kept by the Principal Contractor (under these regulations) for two years after completion of the construction phase.

To avoid a fixed penalty of £300.00 a site waste management plan should be available upon request.

Whilst there are differing requirements on projects costed at between £300,000 to £500,000 and those costed at over £500,000, learn more about your responsibilities from the Summary here

Download our >> Site Waste Management Plan Template