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Enquiry Form

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By entering the Competition you are deemed to accept these Terms and Conditions. If you are under 18 you must have a parent or legal guardian’s permission to enter. Entry is open only to UK residents.

The Timeframe

The monthly Competition will close on the 25th on each Month and re-open on the 1st of each month.

The Prize & Selection

The winner will be selected by the amount of Hastags used during each competition period. Either by Retweeting the “MYSTERY TWEETS” or using the Hastag #VCTwitaway in their own Tweets. Everyone can follow and monitor their own position through Twitter.

The prize of a Case of Wine is non-transferable and there is no cash equivalent.

Veritas Consulting Employees can enter the competition but will not be eligible to win a prize.

NOTE: Prize’s will ONLY be issued to previous winners once every 4 months but you are more than welcome to enter and share the competition. Please give other guys a chance!

Right to cancel

Veritas Consulting reserves the right to cancel or amend the Competition, Rules and these terms and conditions at any time and without prior notice. Any changes will be posted either within these terms and conditions or in the competition details.