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A Bowtie_Diagram for health and safety risk management
Why a bowtie will keep you and your workers safe

Driving workplace accidents ever-closer to the zero option requires a change of mindset about the way risk is identified and managed. That’s never going to be a one-off employee awareness-raising…

health and safety culture signs
Is health and safety culture built into the DNA of your company?

Safe working practices don’t just happen – they are the result of hard work and determination by everyone in your organisation. Making the workplace safer benefits everyone – from those…

principal designer at a desk
Will Brexit make me less safe at work?

Uncertainty about Brexit has generated all kinds of predictions, including a reduction in workplace safety. But is that really likely? With news that Prime Minister Theresa May has finally thrashed…

working at height safety
How to protect employees working at height

Working at height is the UK’s biggest cause of workplace deaths – this is what you need to know. The first rule of working at height on construction sites: don’t….

Creating a workable health and safety culture

Maintaining health and safety standards in the workplace is as much about culture as it is rules. So how can your business foster a culture that places health and safety…

Man measuring Stacked Letters spelling risk assessment
5 ways health and safety will make you rich

There are many excuses given by businesses being prosecuted for health and safety failings, but a desire to cut costs is a very common reason. And yes, there is a…

man rolling the dice
The workplace is no place for risks

Risk-taking is unacceptable when it comes to issues of health and safety, but why do some people still do it, and how can you move away from a risk-taking culture?…

New Health and Safety apprenticeship announced

The UK marketplace is no stranger to skill shortages, but for the first time, lives could be at risk (outside the healthcare industry). The shortage this time is in the…

Lessons Learned
Lessons from history – the Sampoong department store disaster

The collapse of a department store building 28 years ago still has lessons for construction contractors today. The Sampoong Department Store collapse is one of the worst peacetime disasters in…

Protect whistleblowers
Poundstretcher, Whistleblowers and a Warning for All Employers

High street retailer Poundstretcher has been handed a £1,000.000 fine for health and safety failings recently – but we can all learn something from the case. The firm was found…

How to fake health and safety documentation

First, let’s be clear – learning how to fake health and safety documentation is a really, really bad idea. AKA how to earn yourself a jail sentence by faking health…

Man whispering in ladies ear
Horrific industrial Penis accident is a warning to men everywhere

A man from Gloucestershire is recovering in hospital after suffering one of the most painful (and embarrassing) workplace injuries ever. Somehow, the man involved managed to cut off his own…

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