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CSCS Cards100% safe ‘ All CSCS Cards are pre-pay only so you need to make your safe & secure payment via the Paypal website with your debit or credit card now ‘ You don”t need a Paypal account.

CSCS CardsUpon receipt of payment your CSCS Card  will be processed and an administrator will be in touch confirming your Card details.


If you don”t have a Paypal account click pay as a guest above the credit card symbols on the Paypal website.

Alternative Payment Options

Direct Transfer

You can pay by direct BACS Transfer to Barclays Bank, Sort Code ‘ 20-77-62 ‘ A/N ‘ 53445887

By Cheque

Pay by cheque payable to;

Veritas Consulting Safety Services Ltd

Centre Court

1301 Stratford Road

Hall Green


West Midlands

B28 9HH