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COSHH Assessments
How COSHH Might Affect You, And What You Need to Do

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health legislation, or COSHH, is the legislation pertaining to hazardous substances in the workplace. It is vital but often misunderstood. Essentially, COSHH sets out the…

Health and safety Risk assessment
Keep It Simple: Avoiding Risk Assessment Bloat

Risk assessments are a vital part of health and safety and risk management. At its most basic, a risk assessment is simply a process that identifies potential risks and allows…

working from home safety
Stop employees from bringing bad WFH habits to the office

It’s been a strange year, but with the UK’s vaccine rollout solidly underway and the country slowly opening up, many of us are preparing to get back into the office….

Principal Designer Support Services
Principal Designer Support: What You Need to Know

In 2015, the Construction Design and Management Regulations (CDM) were updated to simplify this vital legislation and make responsibilities within construction projects crystal clear. The new CDM regulations, introduced in…

shopping trolley wearing mask
How to sell the safety message like a top salesperson

The role of health and safety manager goes far beyond ticking boxes, creating risk assessments, and writing reports. Safety managers are responsible for curating and reinforcing a strong, effective safety…

CDM Principal Designers
The New Building Safety Regulator Explained

In the wake of the devastating Grenfell Tower Fire in 2017, legislators were forced to answer some tough questions about construction management and the safety of large, multi-occupancy buildings in…

Control Exposure to Silica dust
What can designers do about the risk of silica dust?

In March of this year, an APPG report highlighted the dangers of and lack of awareness around silica dust. What can designers do about it? In the 1970s, the use…

CHAS Accreditation with Veritas Consulting
Do I need to be CHAS registered?

Competition can be high for contractors. No matter what trade you’re in, there are plenty of others gunning for the same jobs you are. What’s more, potential clients are busy…

cartoon character with magnifying glass over the word RISK
Why you should perform a health and safety audit after COVID

If you are responsible for health and safety, you’re probably sick and tired of hearing about COVID-19 assessments by now. With people across the country returning to work in the…

CDM Principal Designers
Approaching CDM as an architect or principal designer

In 2015, the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM) were updated, simplifying the existing structure of the regulations, and applying new responsibilities across all aspects of construction. This included architects…

Construction Health and Safety
CSCS Cards Explained

In a health and safety conscious world, site managers and potential employers want to know the person they are hiring is trained and competent. One of the easiest and most…

health and safety warning signs
Has health and safety really gone mad?

It’s health and safety gone mad. Whether you are a veteran contractor or new to the job, you’ve heard it, and possibly even said it yourself. Since the widespread introduction…