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health and safety at work
Health and Safety: Who Is Responsible For Safety At Work?

We all probably have our own idea of what a safety manager looks like—decked out in high-viz so you can see them coming, wielding their clipboard, watching from their office…

shopping trolley wearing mask
How to sell the safety message like a top salesperson

The role of health and safety manager goes far beyond ticking boxes, creating risk assessments, and writing reports. Safety managers are responsible for curating and reinforcing a strong, effective safety…

Architect under Paperwork
Enough with the health and safety paperwork already

Over the years, health and safety provisions have become synonymous with bureaucracy. Ask any construction site manager or foreman and they’ll tell you – health and safety is nothing but…

Construction workers whistleblower
Am I my brother’s keeper? Keeping colleagues safe on site

Most businesses have a responsible person tasked with ensuring health and safety standards are upheld on site. They will also draw up workplace risk assessments, confirm that employees understand how…

ISO45001 - Health and Safety Management
ISO 45001 – Why bother with health and safety management systems?

ISO 45001 is the new internationally recognised occupational health and safety management system replacing ISO 18001 standard – this is why you should implement it, today. According to statistics quoted…

temperature guage
Can you legally take time off because of hot weather?

Can you legally take time off because of hot weather? Summer is certainly here – is there a legal limit when it comes to working in high temperatures? Having recently…

Risk assessment software
When employees sabotage their own health and safety

A group of builders has found a loophole in the rules banning shorts on their site – but it’s not as funny as they think. Several U.K. newspapers picked up…

man rolling the dice
The workplace is no place for risks

Risk-taking is unacceptable when it comes to issues of health and safety, but why do some people still do it, and how can you move away from a risk-taking culture?…

Health and safety advice from a UN weapons inspector

A UN weapons inspector may be used to working with bioweapons – but their health and safety advice is still useful. The Guardian newspaper recently ran a report on accidents…

Robotics in construction
Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and the Construction Industry

Technology is already changing the way we work – but does it threaten jobs in the construction industry? Technology has dramatically changed the workplace in recent years, and several industries…

Man with Melon and Goggles
Has health and safety gone too far?

People often say “health and safety has gone too far”. But are they right? Complaints about health and safety are increasingly common; criticism from tabloid newspapers is increasingly loud and…

Health and Safety Statistics
How are the new HSE sentencing guidelines working out?

When HSE sentencing guidelines were strengthened, we predicted a large rise in fines – now we review the evidence. As part of a continued commitment to raising standards, sentences for…

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