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It”s free to enter our Twitter competition and your chance to Win a case of Wine delivered to an address of your choice (UK).

Each month we will be giving away a case of Wine to one of our Lucky followers.


These Wines standout in the tasting room for their wealth of flavours.

2 really simple steps to enter

1)   In order to enter the competition you will need to follow @safetymatters

2)   Tweet / Retweet the “MYSTERY TWEET” each one must have used hashtag #VCTwitaway and you will need 3 or more Retweets to qualify.

Top Tip to Increase your chances

Use the Hashtag #VCTwitaway in your own Tweets to give yourself the edge.

The follower with the most #VCTwitaway in their Tweets and Retweets is the Winner.

A Mystery Tweet example;

MYSTERY TWEET – #RT to enter the Veritas Consulting WIN THE WINE! Competition. #VCTwitaway (ends xx)

So, here are the rules again

Simply follow us on Twitter and Retweet the “MYSTERY TWEETS” which will have the Hashtag #VCTwitaway or simply use the Hashtag in your own Tweets to increase your chances.

The competition runs from the 1st to the 25th and we will Tweet the Winner on or around the 30th of each month from @safetymatters

Remember to look out for the Mystery Tweets and use the hashtag in your tweets GOOD LUCK! Folks

See – Terms and Conditions