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Written by
on 21 July 2014


Top 5 Health and Safety Blogs

Health and Safety is all about protecting people; that’s why we’re so passionate about it.

You do it well, you improve lives – and sometimes save them – and when people out there see it that way they often feel a burst of enthusiasm too.  And it’s that small edge of keenness and attention which makes all the difference in avoiding accidents.

H&S Should be Fun and Simple

We feel strongly Health and Safety should be delivered in a fun and easy to follow way, don’t you think?  So you can understand it, carry it out, and be comfortable with it as quickly and painlessly as possible.

On our mission to help spread a little fun and clarity into H&S we’ve come across others doing a great job too.

Five Great H&S Blogs

So here are five great British blogs to visit and use to get even more on top of the H&S game:

Workplace Safety Blog

A lovely little blog to follow, with H&S issues, statistics and practical steps explained in a straight forward, easy-to-digest and often funny way.  I’m especially a fan of their regular infographics, which sum up a topic at a glance.

Quantum Compliance

If you love statistics and keeping up to date on the various shocking news items which crop up around the UK, reminding us of the need for solid H&S systems, then you’ll enjoy this slick-looking blog by Quantum Compliance. Great summaries of news reports, and analysis too.


Informative, succinct and occasionally shocking.  Occupational Health & Safety Online gives us a regular insightful dose of H&S news and clear lessons.

Health & Safety at Work

An interesting mix of tips, tricks and musings by H&S experts, contractors and safety managers. Giving us a look into the lives and everyday challenges of H&S in the real working world.

SHP Online

Regular quick bites on a variety of health and safety topics and news from different experts who know their stuff.  Great resource to stay on top of a whole range of issues facing UK workers and employers today.

Further Quality Sources of H&S Info

If you’re super-keen, there are many more resources to keep abreast of in the health and safety world.

The Health & Safety Executive

The nerve centre of UK regulation, news and info.  Sign up for press releases on H&S news in your industry.


The only chartered body for health and safety practitioners, and apparently the world’s largest too.  Their magazine will keep you abreast of changes, rules and regs.


The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.  With another great newsletter to follow.


The International Institute of Risk and Safety Management is a fantastic source for H&S training.

Brake – the Road Safety Charity

Moving outside H&S in buildings, Brake is the leading charity for road safety and a terrific source of info, if vehicle use and safety is a big issue for your company and workers.

Road Safety GB

The national road safety organisation, and another great source of regular news.

Do you know of any more great blogs on Health & Safety?

Or do you have one?

Share and let us know!


A chartered (fellow) safety and risk management practitioner with 20+ years of experience. David provides a healthy dose of how-to articles, advice and guidance to make compliance easier for construction professionals, Architects and the built environment. Get social with David on Twitter and Linkedin.

  • Renae Bateman says:

    Safety Training courses are so important and can be a little overwhelming because you want to make sure you get all the information you’ll need. Especially since you’re putting yourself in danger. I was lucky enough to find this Safety Training Course and they put all my fears to ease with how well they explained everything. I completed the course ready to take on my job with more knowledge and caution.

  • It’s understandable how taking appropriate action now will help reduce the likelihood of any accidents. I liked that there was also a list of other things to consider to ensure a better work environment. Things like noise control aren’t something I would have considered.

  • Well, great sharing about workplace health and safety. I think, eliminating hazards and risks or using engineering solutions to reduce risks would be more important. If you want to know more about work health & consultancy, DRA safety specialist will help you in a better way. It will provide work health & consultancy, auditing and training. I was lucky enough to find “” and they put all my fear to ease by providing safety training courses.

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