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Written by
on 01 May 2009


Asbestos Surveyors Guide

The Asbestos Surveyors Guide has been prepared by the Health and Safety Executive (and others) to assist in compliance with the “duty-to-manage” asbestos in premises (part of the Control of Asbestos Regulations (CAR) 2006). The guide is also designed to assist in situations where asbestos surveys are carried out in domestic premises.

The guide may also be helpful where surveys are necessary to meet the requirements of the Construction (Design and Management) (CDM) Regulations 2007.


The Asbestos Surveyors Guide is aimed at two main audiences:


(1) It is aimed at Asbestos Surveyors who carry out surveys particularly as part of Managing Asbestos but also for surveys in domestic premises where the duty-to-manage asbestos is implicit under wider health and safety legislation. It sets out how to survey premises for asbestos containing materials (ACMs). In particular, it specifies the methodology to use in carrying out surveys and how to report and present the results.

It also gives advice on how to recognise and sample suspected ACMs. In doing so, the document builds on and updates the previous guidance (MDHS100 which it replaces) taking into account the practical experiences and information and knowledge which have been gained since the explicit duty was introduced.

The asbestos surveyors guide also contains a specific section which outlines the survey strategy which should be used where large numbers of similar properties (eg domestic housing) are to be surveyed;

(2) The document is also aimed at those who commission surveys particularly as part of the arrangements to comply with the Duty-to Manage asbestos. It’s aim is to make the client an informed and intelligent customer so that the most appropriate type of survey is conducted, the survey is as comprehensive as possible and that the survey data is used effectively and to optimum effect in ensuring that asbestos is adequately managed in buildings.

In this context the document provides guidance to clients on various items including:

The role of the Asbestos Survey in assisting compliance with the Duty to Manage;

How to select a competent asbestos surveyor;

What the client should expect from a surveyor and what the client should provide to the surveyor;

The implications of not all areas being accessed (eg through caveats) and what checks should be made on the surveyor report, which at times can be a bit ambiguous and should be explained to Clients in order that they fully understand.


Veritas Consulting offering Asbestos Survey Services you can call our free advice line 0121 249 1281 to clarify yours in detail.



A chartered (fellow) safety and risk management practitioner with 20+ years of experience. David provides a healthy dose of how-to articles, advice and guidance to make compliance easier for construction professionals, Architects and the built environment. Get social with David on Twitter and Linkedin.

A chartered (fellow) safety and risk management practitioner with 20+ years of experience. David provides a healthy dose of how-to articles, advice and guidance to make compliance easier for construction professionals, Architects and the built environment. Get social with David on Twitter and Linkedin.

One Comment
  • Asbestos management is a real challenge, especially in older buildings that were constructed before awareness about the toxicity of asbestos was established. Sometimes a building needs to be pretty much gutted in order to remove all the offending bits and pieces. Who would have thought a couple of decades ago that there would be business in Asbestos Management Services, of all things! It just shows you how the world is changing. Hopefully this kind of awareness will soon extend to our food supply, where all kinds of toxins to fertilise and control pests are dumped into our soil and onto our foodstuffs….

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