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Social Media and the Health and Safety Industry

Letters of Social MediaFollowed by an impressive 35,000+ people, David Cant enjoys an active Social-Media presence on Twitter as @DavidGCant from here, he Tweets weekly updates on an online Social Media Health and Safety Industry Leaderboard Player rankings via a dedicated Twitter account @HandSTop500.

The Health and Safety Industry Top 500 Leaderboard displays Player rankings in a league-table-format for the Top 500 individuals, businesses and organisation worldwide in industry related sectors. This leaderboard recognises the Top 500 active Twitter users involved in the Health and Safety Industry, working in Asbestos, Training, E-learning, PPE Suppliers, Safety Equipment, Road Safety, Environment and many more!

So, how does it work?

Players rankings are based on their Social Media interactions and influence across all major social-media channels, such as Google, Facebook and Linkedin, with the data measured via the leading independent platform Klout

Players Rankings can go “Up or Down” depending on their Social Media activity so, to receive regular updates on who is Ranking where and your changes on the leaderboard you will need to follow @HandSTop500

Want to be added to the Leaderboard?

If you are not on this Leaderboard and in the health and Safety industry yourself or would like to nominate someone who should be included tweet @DavidGCant the details with #HSTop500 and David will add you to the LeaderBoard to see where you Rank.

What’s your Score on the Leaderboard?

Check it out – Health and Safety Top 500


A chartered (fellow) safety and risk management practitioner with 20+ years of experience. David provides a healthy dose of how-to articles, advice and guidance to make compliance easier for construction professionals, Architects and the built environment. Get social with David on Twitter and Linkedin.