Security Guards for Businesses
Health and safety these days is about so much more than just what goes on inside the workplace. Whether you’re handling sensitive documents, using expensive technology or want to protect your staff, now is the time to consider manned guarding.
Manned guarding benefits
Think that this is only relevant for those in need of security guards London way or in big cities? Well, sorry to say this, but you are wrong. Workplaces all over the UK are being targeted by criminal activity on a daily basis, meaning manned guarding has become all but a necessity to those looking to protect their companies.
Manned guarding on site means that you have someone monitoring and handling any problems or criminal activity every single day. It is well known that manned guarding in a retail workplace, for example, helps to prevent a huge amount of petty theft – as well as making staff and management feel more secure.
In most workplaces, the greatest benefit manned guarding can offer is providing this sense of security. The knowledge that a trained professional is available to call on for help in difficult situations will make customers and employees feel safer and happier in the business environment.
What manned guarding do I need?
Manned guarding is polarised into two types: the basic security guard who provides a presence on site 9-5 with the minimum training required by law and the highly trained guard, on site 24 hours a day, skilled at dealing with any situation that may arise. What you need for your workplace depends on the nature of your business. In this case it is advisable to consult with a professional security firm on what manned guarding they can provide you with.
What power do they have?
If you decide to embark on a manned guarding program in the workplace, you must remember one thing: security guards are not police. They do not have any more legal powers that the general public. In a retail environment, security guards are allowed to detain shoplifters and use a ‘reasonable’ amount of force if there are ‘reasonable grounds’ to believe they have stolen something.
Anyone in the UK providing a manned guarding service or working as a security guard must be fully licensed and vetted by the Security Industry Authority. The SIA acts as a licensing body which oversees training standards and manages an Approved Contractor scheme. It is a criminal offence to work as a security guard without a SIA licence.
Guest Blog provided by Ruth Dawson

A chartered (fellow) safety and risk management practitioner with 20+ years of experience. David provides a healthy dose of how-to articles, advice and guidance to make compliance easier for construction professionals, Architects and the built environment. Get social with David on Twitter and Linkedin.
One Comment
This is such a great and very insightful article. Great post.