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Written by
on 09 February 2012


It is important to make sure that any activities in your work premises are carried out in accordance to the multiple health and safety Acts currently in place. The Health and Safety Executive will prosecute your company if they discover that during any time you have not been following good practices which are designed to keep you and others safe.

Not only do you need to carry out safe procedures during normal working routines, additional vigilance is required at times when work is being carried out in the premises.  One hotel has made the news this week after reports have been released that health inspectors visited the site and discovered a number of areas of safety negligence. The Allesley Hotel in Coventry has now been charged over £50,000 after admitting their breaches of the health and safety regulations during a period of maintenance.

Series of Errors Discovered

The hotel was inspected back in December 2010. It was discovered that while extensive refurbishment was being carried out the hotel was still open and receiving guest.  Both the guests and the employees were at risk from harm as they were forced to manoeuvre around the work being carried out.

In one of the function rooms the flooring had been disturbed. There was exposed wiring, building materials and the unfinished flooring which had to be negotiated by the staff and the guests. These slip and trip hazards could easily cause a serious injury and there are regulations in place to limit these risks.

Another serious issue was found in the kitchen of The Allesley Hotel. The builders were mixing their materials in the kitchen, such as plaster and grout, which cause dust. The food being served to the guests was being carried through the kitchen which could have caused contamination. Furthermore there were cables and gaps in the flooring which again was a hazard for anyone walking through the room. In the bar the inspectors also found a lot of dirt and plenty of waste materials left lying around.

Health and Safety Consultants Could Have Helped Avoid the Situation

Five months after the initial inspection the HSE returned and discovered many more issues. One of these was a function being held in a room while the lights were being installed. During the function there were exposed electrical cables hanging down into the room, a blocked stair case and ladders on the stairs. The inspectors also discovered that broken glass had been swept under the table and that the contractor working on the light was not wearing the appropriate safety equipment as he worked on the roof. Other workers were using tables piled up to fit a chandelier.

Use Health and Safety Services

These numerous serious breaches are shocking, and as a result the hotel admitted their errors in front of a court where they were charged. Health and safety is a serious matter but it doesn’t need to be confusing. Find reliable health and safety consultants to help you carry out any kind of maintenance in the correct manner.

Health and Safety services are able to help teach you how to understand your responsibilities to your guests, employees and contractors.  Call 0800 1488 677 for more information about staying within the law in your work premises.


A chartered (fellow) safety and risk management practitioner with 20+ years of experience. David provides a healthy dose of how-to articles, advice and guidance to make compliance easier for construction professionals, Architects and the built environment. Get social with David on Twitter and Linkedin.

A chartered (fellow) safety and risk management practitioner with 20+ years of experience. David provides a healthy dose of how-to articles, advice and guidance to make compliance easier for construction professionals, Architects and the built environment. Get social with David on Twitter and Linkedin.

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